Section: Dissemination


Teaching positions

Most of the members of the team have a teaching position (192 hours a year) in one of the universities of Lorraine.

Fatiha Alabau has a full time full professor position in the University of Metz;

Xavier Antoine has a full time full professor position at INPL;

Thomas Chambrion has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN;

Antoine Henrot has a full time full professor position at INPL;

Bruno Pinçon has a full time associate professor position at ESIAL;

Lionel Rosier has a full time full professor position at ESSTIN;

Jean-François Scheid has a full time associate professor position at ESIAL;

Marius Tucsnak has a full time full professor position at UHP;

Julie Valein has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN.

Other teaching activities

F. Alabau gave a course on control and stabilization of PDE's, USTBH, Algiers, Algeria (graduate level);

F. Alabau gave a course on “Stabilization and observability of ordinary and partial differential equations” CIMPA-UNESCO-TUNISIE school on "Contrôle et stabilisation des équations aux dérivées partielles, 9-19 may, Monastir, Tunisia (graduate level);

T. Chambrion gave a lecture on “Control of bilinear Schrödinger equations” in Würzburg, Germany (graduate level);

PhD & HdR

Bertrand Thierry has defended his thesis “Analyse et Simulations Numériques du Retournement Temporel et de la Diffraction Multiple” (supervisor:X. Antoine and K. Ramdani);

Erica Schwindt defended her PhD thesis “Problèmes d'interaction entre un fluide newtonien incompressible et une structure” in cotutelle between the University of Chile and the University of Nancy 1 with Carlos Conca and Takéo Takahashi. Her work deals with two different fluid–structure interaction problems in the three dimensional case: in the first problem, she make a theoretical analysis of a problem of interaction between a deformable structure and an incompressible Newtonian fluid; in the second problem, she consider a geometrical inverse problem associated to a fluid-rigid body system.

Jérôme Loheac is a PhD student in UHP since 2010 (supervisor: M. Tucsnak);

Roberto Guglielmi is a PhD student in cotutelle with University Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy, since october 2010 (co-supervisor F. Alabau).